The Toughest Question
All it takes is a single word to change the course of history. A short, three letter word. It stops you in your tracks and makes you reconsider everything. Should you make life altering decisions? Should I have chicken or steak for dinner? Should we get involved in a land war in Asia? That three letter word is a whole sentence in itself: Why?
So often we [ok, I] get into ruts in life, just going about our daily routine. Days and weeks go by and we march forward, if we’re moving forward at all. Or are we going forward? Where are we going? When the old year rolls over into a new year we often ponder what has happened in the past year, the reasons it was completely different from what we anticipated as the year began, and then plan goals for the coming year.
But when doing anything, especially with long term consequences, it’s really smart to ask the question: Why?
Why or Why Not, that is the Question
In life we’ve only got about eighty years or so on this rock hurtling through space, and if you’re reading this there’s a good chance you’ve already crossed off a good number of those years. When faced with such a limited amount of time, it is imperative to both choose what we do, but also what we do not do. The adage that you can do anything you want if you work hard enough may have a good amount of truth to it, but there is also the flip side that you cannot do everything you want.
With so many choices in life, narrowing them down by asking why can be a great strategy. Why do you like doing certain things? Why do you not like certain things? Why must I eat vegetables instead of cake? Why is driving a slow car fast so much fun? Why should I follow the rules? Why shouldn’t I follow the rules?
Go Fast Sticker Pack No 01 $6.95
Maryland T-Shirt $19.50 – $21.50
Save the Manuals Sticker $1.95
No Punch Backs T-Shirt $19.50 – $21.50
Made in USA T-Shirt $19.50 – $21.50
Tying it all Together
So what does this have to do with a company selling t-shirts, VW Bug cup holders and odds and ends for the home? A few years ago I was asking myself questions about the meaning of life and why I do what I do. I like making things, I like understanding how things work, I like working in the garage, I like old cars, and I like practical things, but I don’t like taking life too seriously. Poke around the store some and you’ll see how the offerings dovetail with my likes. The things you see here are because I asked myself why not open a store and make things.
Now where did I leave that 10mm socket? And why does it keep disappearing?