Everywhere the world screams hurry up, buy now, act fast. But what do you gain?
The daily newspaper reporting on yesterday gave way to the 6 o’clock news reporting on today which turned into the 24-hour cable news reporting that nothing happened in the past hour and now social media breaks the news in real time around the globe faster than corporate media can even flinch.
Life takes time. That’s part of its beauty, and why it shouldn’t be rushed. Some things happen in seasons, and some take long amounts of time. No matter how much it seems like kids grow up faster today than ever before, it still takes about twenty years before they’ve grown up. Kids have to learn to move their muscles, form thoughts, and build their knowledge. Having wisdom takes years of learning about the world, ideas and gaining understanding that simply cannot be rushed. Crops take months to grow from seeds to harvest. Forming and refining ideas takes time. Even this post has taken weeks to write, with a little here and a little there.
The curveballs of life happen at inopportune times, and are a part of the process. A car accident. A cold. Cancer. Rain when you are planning a picnic. Big and small, they happen and are a part of the process.
But what am I getting at? Well, hang on. I’m getting there. Have a seat. What are you hurrying away for anyway?
Racing around in life, do you ever think about where you are racing to? Are you so focused on the next task, the next calendar event, the next promotion, the next stage of life that you cannot enjoy today?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a life well lived. You cannot do everything today. Sorry. It just ain’t happening. Of course I’ve tried plenty of times to do everything in a day, and failed every single time. You can’t even do everything in a lifetime. You must choose. Where do you want to go, both figuratively and literally?
“Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die today”
- James Dean
The saying “Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die today” is credited to legendary actor James Dean. He very much lived as if he’d die early, and he died when he was merely 24 years old on the way to a race in his Porsche 550 Spyder. Take the quote as a whole. Set goals, have targets and make plans for where you want to be in five, ten, twenty or even fifty years. Next, figure out a way to get there, and readjust the plan as you go.
Don't just long for the good times of the future, because you’re only guaranteed today. Be thankful for today’s weather, no matter how great or lousy it may be. Spend some time with your friends and family. Eat well. Get a good night’s sleep. Do what you can today and do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
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